 > Car A/C Guide

Frosteez Helpful Car Air-Conditioning Guide

Here at Frosteez, we believe your vehicle’s cabin air quality is just as important as your comfort. The following car air-conditioning guide will help you and your family get the most out of your motoring experience.

8 Tips To Help You Get The Most Out Of Your Car's Air-Conditioning

  1. Always use a sun visor on your windscreen when parked as it helps prevent a build-up of excessive heat inside the car. It also prevents your dash from UV damage. The UV also evaporates the oils inside your dash which coats your windscreen with a dangerous film that makes it difficult to see.

  2. Upon entering your car on a hot day, it’s best to lower all windows with the air-conditioning (AC) on and the fan on full for a few minutes. This will help expel hot air from your car much more quickly. Then reduce the fan speed to level 2 or 3. This will help in cooling your car faster.

  3. Always have the vents to “Recirculate” as it will also assist in cooling the air in your car faster and prevent hot air from outside entering the car; this maximises your car’s AC efficiency.

  4. Having the vents on “Recirculate” will also help reduce external pollution from entering your cabin. Thereby protecting you and your family from harmful pollution and fumes.

  5. Running the AC every few weeks (even in winter) will prevents your AC seals from drying and help in preventing refrigerant leaks. This will reduce component damage and the frequency that a regas will be required.

  6. We highly recommend replacing your vehicle’s AC filter at least every two years. This filter is essential for the quality of the refrigerant in your AC system, which helps eliminate corrosion and prevents unnecessary component failure that is costly to repair.

  7. It is highly recommended that you replace your vehicle’s Cabin filter regularly. The Cabin filter is separate to the AC filter and directly relates to the air quality you and your family are breathing inside of your car. If you experience a sudden onset of “allergies” when your AC is running, this could be the culprit.

  8. Use a special automotive air vent odour and mould/bacterial neutraliser to remove most unpleasant smells coming from your vehicles AC system. As an added benefit, this can help eliminate any mould, bacteria that might also be contributing to any allergies, asthma and other sicknesses.

The Frosteez difference...

If your car’s air-conditioning is no longer keeping you cool, call Frosteez for an AC Service today.


We come direct to you 7 days a week + we’ll change your Cabin filter and neutralise your air vents as an added bonus with all AC services.

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